Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Three keys to successful recognition programs

Looking for recognition ideas that get results?

The most common characteristics of high-ROI recognition programs — regardless of their monentary value — are their spontaneity and perceived value by employees themselves.

In reality, the cost of some of most effective spot awards and bonuses often amount to less than 1% of base pay — and the awards don’t even have to be given in cash.

Less sense of entitlement

1. Creativity is crucial
2. Make it personal
3. Add structure

Read the full article by Bill Meltzer:

Three keys to successful recognition programs

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Customer Loyalty Reward Programs: A Way to Increase Revenue

So, what can we learn from these examples? First, it’s a great idea to offer a customer loyalty/reward program. It’s less costly to keep current clients than it is to find new ones. Add to that the idea that you should try to capture all of the business you can get from your current clients and you’ve got the foundation for a loyalty program.

Second, make sure it’s something easy to implement and explain. If it’s too complicated no one will use it because they won’t understand it. Moreover, you don’t want to create a plan that is costly.

Third, create a program that can’t be hi-jacked. Consider the Panera example. The loyalty card was too easy to duplicate so someone did. Unfortunately, there are unscrupulous people out there.

Interestingly, participation in loyalty/reward programs is up in this recession. According to Colloquy research,

“U.S. consumer participation in rewards programs is on the rise across all demographic segments, . . . Consumers are leaning on loyalty programs to stretch household budgets further by earning rewards for their purchases.“

What does this tell us? That using loyalty/reward programs can be an effective strategy for increasing revenues even in a recession.

Excerpt from Small Business Trends article by By Diane Helbig read the full article here ... http://cli.gs/Rz0T62

Monday, July 20, 2009

Employee Loyalty & Productivity Soars with Workplace Flexibility Tips from 2009 Sloan Award Winner

Phoenix, AZ (PRWEB) July 17, 2009 -- Autohaus Arizona, Inc. (AutohausAZ.com) again gained national recognition June 11, 2009, when it received the 2009 Alfred P. Sloan Award for Business Excellence in Workplace Flexibility as part of the Chandler Chamber of Commerce's management of When Work Works, an initiative of Families and Work Institute, the Institute for a Competitive Workforce, an affiliate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the Twiga Foundation. This prestigious award recognizes organizations that continually strive to find new ways to make work "work" in today's challenging economy and successfully use workplace flexibility to meet both employer and employee goals.

Read complete article on wwww.prweb.com....

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Loyalty is critical to all success

Great website and must read book from www.whyloyaltymatters.com

Does Loyalty Matter?
More Than You Think.

For decades we’ve been told that we live in fast-paced dog-eat-dog world, that loyalty gets you nowhere, and that we must look out for number one! We’ve been told that to succeed we have to constantly reinvent ourselves, let go of past relationships, and move on to greener pastures. And we’ve been told that all this is good. But it’s not good.

Most Comprehensive Loyalty Study Ever

Why Loyalty Matters is grounded in the most comprehensive study of loyalty ever conducted, and what it reveals can change your life. The science is very clear – when it comes to business success, satisfaction in our relationships and even overall happiness, loyalty is essential.

Renowned loyalty experts Timothy Keiningham and Lerzan Aksoy combine their own groundbreaking research with the leading thinking in philosophy, sociology, psychology, economics and management to provide a comprehensive guide to understanding what loyalty is, what it isn’t and how to unlock its power in your personal and professional life.

Check out the video too!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Personal Gift Giving Survey Results

We conducted a pre-launch Gift Giving Survey and here are the results from the questions concerning Personal Online Gift Giving habits. The Closing Touch offers very Unique Gift Card Collections for all your gift giving needs.