Monday, November 30, 2009

Positive start for U.S. shopping season

Online retailers await ‘Cyber Monday'

"Online sales on Thursday and Friday, however, rose 11 per cent to $913-million, according to data released Sunday by comScore, an Internet research firm.

According to preliminary figures released Saturday by ShopperTrak, a research firm that tracks more than 50,000 outlets, sales rose 0.5 per cent to $10.66-billion Friday, compared with a year ago. That was on top of a 3 per cent increase last year."

Read full report from The Globe and Mail - The Associated Press

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Presenting Gift Giving by The Closing Touch

A presentation on the innovative gift giving experience that is unique to The Closing Touch. We realize every touch with a customer/employee is an opportunity to create a special memory.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Choosing the Right Social Media Tools for Your Business [Video]

Staying on top of Social Media tools is a huge undertaking and I prefer to watch those that are leading the way and read their reviews. Then I choose which to test for myself. It's been said that "experience is the best teacher"; while I subscribe to the school of thought that "wisdom learns from other's experience".

All parents hope their child would be willing to learn from their experiences, that is after all why we walked both ways uphill to school barefoot. I do believe we can save a lot of time and money from learning who to follow and allow to influence our decisions. has proven to be an invaluable resource time and again as I keep up on whats happening in the wonderful world of Social Media.

Enjoy this video and article I found on the Mashable site. It is a daunting task to filter through and determine which Social Media tools are best suited for your business.

I encourage you to get started...pick one venue and build your web footprint!

Happy marketing!