Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Introducing the new Google bar - YouTube

The changes are coming regularly with Google these days. What do you think of their new Google bar?

Great synopsis of the Google+ presentation at CrushIQ

14 Things you learn about Google+ from Tae
Live from CrushIQ

Right after +Daria Musk took the stage, +Tae E. Kim had a great presentation today at CrushIQ and the Q&A really shed some light on some questions I've heard you guys asking around. Here's everything I was able to glean from him. Some are obvious and others provide a definitive answer about the more philosophical parts of Google+. Enjoy!

1) In 6 months Google+ is going to look like a different product as it integrates with other Google poducts
2) Multiple administrators for brand pages coming in Q1 2012
3) Viewing some circles and not others is probably coming as more circle management tools are integrated (Katango anyone?)
4) It was intentional to accomplish meeting new people and connecting you with the people you know. Google will be happy when it does both
5) To be a verified brand you need to put the G+ badge on your website and a lot of followers. Google will do the rest.
6) Google isn't going to wait for a product to be fully baked before releasing because if they did it would stifle innovation (thats why it's the Google+ project not product)
7) AdWords is coming to Google+ but monetizing is not a priority now, will use Ripples
8) 100% functionality is a main goal for mobile
9) Mobile iPhone app doesn't have all Android functionality? Get an Android. More seriously Google has limited resources and will update iPhone as soon as they can after Android
10) Social media was diluted in Reader to integrate with g+
11) Search with a "+" Google to find pages or people
12) Dont call your circle of Google products "Google Brand Pages" call it "Google Product Updates"
13) What to tell your boss to get a company G+ page? Everyone uses Google. It makes sense.
14) Over 250 companies have brand pages that google helped with, growing every day

via Google+

Questions about Google+.  We've been listening and watching and found this great synopsis of the most frequently asked questions.  Please feel free to ask questions and how this social media site affects your internet presence.

Monday, November 28, 2011

The evolution of search in six minutes - Inside Search


Google explains the evolution of search and their goals to meet our desire for information.

The social web is more dependent upon us asking our friends' opinions.

Which do you prefer?

Facebook vs. Google: The battle for the future of the Web


Great article by Miguel Helft and Jessi Hempel of @FortuneMagazine. Definitely worth the read for anyone interested in social media and the Internet.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Remembering - Highway of Heroes Canada

Taking a moment today to remember the many Soldiers that have given their lives to support our Freedom. Very proud to be Canadian.